Benalla - Gliding Club of Victoria

Benalla - Gliding Club of Victoria

Fly like an eagle - Experience the amazing sensation of silent flight and the freedom felt from flying in a sailplane. Our gliders will set you free from the earth and let you soar like an eagle.

A tow plane launches you to your chosen height where it releases the tow rope and you begin a breathtaking flight above the picturesque Benalla countryside.

You will fly in a tandem glider together with an instructor. Both seats have the same controls, and you may get a go at flying the aircraft under the supervision of your instructor.

You can have your flight as gentle or as exhilaratingly aerobatic as you want, just discuss this with your instructor.

The Gliding Club of Victoria at Benalla is the best place if you want to:

- experience soaring flight (joyflights)
- learn how to soar
- get more fun and enjoyment out of your commitment to soaring


Samaria Road,  Benalla 3672 Map

(03) 5762 1058

Email Enquiry

Web Links

Benalla - Gliding Club of VictoriaSamaria Road,, Benalla, Victoria, 3672