Bellavita Reserve Playground, Pompei Street, Clyde

Bellavita Reserve Playground, Pompei Street, Clyde

A spectacular playground with striking yellow and orange soft surfaces and elevated rope tunnels running across the playground.

Bellavita Reserve Playground, Pompei Street, Clyde

At one end is a tall cylindrical tower with two massive tunnel slides reached by a vertical rope tunnel ladder inside the tower or via a big rope net or huge rope tunnels.

Bellavita Reserve Playground, Pompei Street, Clyde

Around the base of the tower are two in-ground trampolines, spinning carousel, see-saw, tunnel to crawl through, three swings (one with harness seat), thick rope traverse and log jumble climbing area.

A curved pipe tunnel leads to an area with three cubbies, sandpit, horse springer and kangaroo springer.

Bellavita Reserve Playground, Pompei Street, Clyde

The far end has a roof over three tables, BBQs, water tap and a spectacular rope tunnel which has views over a wetlands area. Also unshaded seats, toilet and big grassy area.

Bellavita Reserve Playground, Pompei Street, Clyde

The playground currently has a wire fence separating it from the deep wetlands area.



10 Pompei Street,  Clyde 3978 Map

Bellavita Reserve Playground, Pompei Street, Clyde10 Pompei Street,, Clyde, Victoria, 3978