Belgrave Food Garden

Belgrave Food Garden is a thriving volunteer run community garden in the heart of Belgrave township, a place to meet, play and learn.
The Belgrave Food Garden project has 3 aims
1. Provide access to education and space for growing, harvesting and utilise healthy food, to address food insecurity. Building knowledge and confidence of the community and local businesses to adopt sustainable practices such as composing.
2. Reactivate under-utilised spaces to increase civic pride.
3. Provide space and opportunities for community networks and relationships, address social Isolation, increasing wellbeing and develop resilience.
The garden is run as an outdoor learning environment, a space to learn new skills and grow and harvest healthy food and form social connections. The garden is planted and managed using a permaculture model.
Produce grown in the garden is shared with the local community and charity partners. Regular workshops and working bees take place to teach gardening skills, such as worm farming and composting.
The garden is located behind the Cameo Cinema.
Opening Hours:
The garden is open 24 hours to pick produce or enjoy the space for leisure and reflection. Regular working bees are held on the 2nd Sunday of the Month 10 am to 12 midday.
All tools provided, drop in for 10 minutes or stay 2 hours as time allows, children are very welcome.

The garden has a huge character made from plastic.
1624 Burwood Highway, Belgrave 3160 Map
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Belgrave Food Garden on Facebook