Beechworth Honey Experience

Follow the story of honey as it makes it's way from the tall eucalypt trees and ground flora, through our packing plant to your breakfast table.
Experience our free interpretative honey tour which focuses on education about bees, four generations of beekeeping, the Australian environment, packing and distribution and showcasing the sensational range of Beechworth Honey products.
Journey through a series of themed spaces where you can enjoy the scenic Australian bush and then be transformed to a modern day warehouse observing honey being packed for the export market.
Jodie and Steven Goldsworthy welcome you to Beechworth Honey and together you will immerse yourself in the history of honey from stories told long ago. Be taken back to 1852 when gold was discovered in the hills surrounding Beechworth and hear the journey of Jodie's great grandfather Benjamin Robinson who realised a better living was to be made supply liquid gold(honey). The historical space contains memorabilia and artefacts that can be enjoyed by all ages.
Move into the forest room where large Australian gums surrounds you and here you can accompany Steve through the dramatic local landscape and you can literally breathe the pure fresh air whilst honey is gathered from towering forests and the underlying flora.
Take a seat for your next journey and watch our suppliers extract the honey before it heads to our modern day packing plant in Corowa. Carefully packed to order the liquid gold virtually goes straight from the forest to your breakfast table, 100% pure and natural, as nature meant it to be.
Join our junior reporters along with eminent scientist Dr Dennis Anderson who tell a 21st century cautionary tale of what will happen if we don't protect our honeybees that are used for commercial honey production as well as a global pollination industry worth up to $100 billion.
Opening Hours:
Our 25 minute tour commences every 10 minutes between 9am - 5pm 7 days a week and bookings are not required (exception of groups).
Our son is honey mad and there is no foodstuff he considers unsuitable to benefit from a good drizzling of honey. Therefore a trip to the Beechworth Honey Experience was mandatory for us. As well as a huge range of honey and honey products, there is a bee hive inside the shop with a pipe to the outside world of flowers and pollen so that the bees can come and go. There is a free interesting tour which is mainly a series of audio-visual presentations following the story of how honey is produced.
Cnr Ford Street and Church Street, Beechworth 3747 Map
✆ (03) 5728 1433
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