Batman Park Playground, Arthurton Road, Northcote

Good sized playground which is fully fenced and has two main play structures. The bigger structure has a big scrambling wall, high fireman's pole, rope climbing wall, inclined high bridge, clock, wave slide, tunnel, hooped ladder, standard ladder, clangers to hit against bars and shop front. The smaller structure has a wave slide, curved slide, steps, abacus, tunnel, steering wheel, disks on a vertical pole and shop front.
There is a sit on carousel for three kids, wooden Thomas train, train platform, big sandpit, rooster springer, horizontal bars, see-saw for four kids, lots of stepping stones/logs, chalk boards and four swings (including one with harness).
The area is very nicely landscaped with a lovely shady tree in the middle of the play area plus unshaded table, unshaded and shaded seats.
Outside the fenced area are some unshaded BBQs, seats, tables and water tap. Also toilets and a grassy area close to busy roads without fencing. Unfortunately the HUGE spiral slide has been removed. Boo hiss Darebin council.
Cnr St Georges Rd and Arthurton Rd, Northcote 3070 Map