Barrack Reserve Playground, Northern Highway, Heathcote

Barrack Reserve Playground, Northern Highway, Heathcote

A fun play area based around the theme of Heathcote, especially their barrels. The centrepiece of the fully fenced playground is a huge wooden barrel which has a wave slide, spiral ladder, spiral slide, fireman's pole and a structure on the side. The structure has steps, disks on a vertical pole, walkway, curved climber with half circles, pipe ladder and monkey bars.

There is a flying fox with disk seat, hammock, lots of stepping and balance areas using barrels (upturned or on their side), spinning seat with hand wheel, in ground trampoline, purple balls in a pile to climb over, xylophone, cute shop front with calculator and scales, springer, three swings including one with a harness and a water play area with hand-pump where you can pump water into a big bucket and the water flows out of a hole into a rocky stream.

Barrack Reserve Playground, Northern Highway, Heathcote

There are unshaded tables and seats. Outside the fenced area next to a grassy area with shady trees is a shelter with BBQ and a table, a water tap and unshaded table.



Cnr Northern Hwy and Herriot Street,  Heathcote 3523 Map

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100 Free Water Play Spaces in Melbourne and Regional Victoria

Barrack Reserve Playground, Northern Highway, HeathcoteCnr Northern Hwy and Herriot Street,, Heathcote, Victoria, 3523