Baringhup - Loddon River to Cairn Curran Weir Walk

This 2.5km return walk from Baringhup to the Cairn Curran Weir follows the Loddon River. Walk south beside the gravel Mitchell Street from the main road in Baringhup. After reaching a car park there is a narrow track which winds through the bush beside the Loddon River. We passed a massive rope swing over the river which did look quite dodgy and dangerous. You will pass a mini spillway across the Loddon River before reaching the open area at the base of the weir.

The weir is a very impressive and exciting location to visit depending on the water levels in the reservoir and how much water is being released. When we visited the main weir gates were closed (but a trickle of water was still coming down the slope below) but there was an outflow pipe to the side with water exploding high into the air.

It is possible to scramble across rocks along the Loddon River, and if water is not flowing from the weir, rock hop between pools of water to stand below the high weir. It seems amazing that you are allowed to be be under the weir but apparently if the gates are going to be opened there is a siren which sounds for five minutes. You will possibly see people fishing in the deep pools below the weir. We saw someone catch a large yellowbelly in a big pool below.

For the return journey you can alternatively take a easier track which is further east of the river than the track which you took on the way to the weir.
Mitchell Street, Baringhup 3463 Map