Balnarring Pony Club (Crib Point)

Balnarring Pony Club is like a Youth group on horse back. Our mission is to instruct young riders on caring for their horse and instruction on dressage, jumping, cross country, navigational rides, games etc.
Riding members from the age of 4 to 25 are welcome to attend.
Competitions we run include BPC Cup Day Show which is run on Cup Day every year. We also run a Combined Training and Dressage Day in April/May each year.

Opening Hours:
Balnarring Pony Club meets the first Saturday of every month.
89 Woolleys Road, Crib Point 3919 Map
✆ (03) 9787 9767/ 0407 012 920
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Balnarring Pony Club on Facebook