Ballan - Bostock Reservoir

Bostock Reservoir is one of the state's most important drinking water reserves. Bostock Reservoir is located across the east arm of the Moorabool River, just below its junction with Paddock Creek. It was constructed to enable the storage of some of the region's water supply.
A number of reservoirs north of Geelong form the upper Moorabool water supply system. Bostock, along with Korweinguboora and Stony Creek reservoirs, is part of the East Moorabool system; and Lal Lal Reservoir, near Ballarat, is the main storage on the West Moorabool River. Water from the Moorabool catchments is filtered, disinfected and fluoridated at the Moorabool water treatment plant at She Oaks before being transferred to towns and suburbs north of Geelong.
Bostock Reservoir Map

It is a lovely location for sightseeing, fishing (in designated areas), mountain biking and picnicking (there is a picnic area, BBQs and toilets). It is also an evening location for amateur astronomers.
The picnic area is quite extensive and has 2 x shelter with one table, 2 x shelter with BBQs and 6 unshaded tables. The water taps have untreated water - do not drink the water.

There are great views overlooking the pine trees opposite the lake. Walking amongst the pine trees is also nice but be wary of snakes during the warmer months.
There is a 3.9km walk from the Police Station in Ballan's main street to Ballan Mineral Spring and Bostock Reservoir. Note that it is not possible to walk around the reservoir since some areas are off-limits to the public.
Activities which are NOT permitted include camping, 4WD driving, motorbike riding, hunting, water activities on reservoir (boats, canoes, kayaks, stand up paddle boards), swimming, scuba diving or snorkelling and taking off or landing any aircraft.
Fishing is allowed in designated areas along the banks of the reservoir. Boating, wading, berleying, ground baiting and digging for bait are not permitted. All anglers should hold a current Victorian fishing licence.
The reservoir is stocked with brown trout (Solmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). A variety of smaller bodied fish species are also known to be found in the reservoir. It is possible to catch large trophy size trout and redfin.
By car, the reservoir is reached by driving to the end of Shaws Road (past the Ballan Mineral Spring).
Opening Hours:
The Reservoir is open 24/7 but may be dosed on Total Fire Ban days.
Construction of Bostock Reservoir was the first major project for the Geelong Waterworks and Sewerage Trust after the end of World War II.
It had been planned 20 years earlier but was postponed until a new supply was needed for a rapidly-growing Geelong. The first stage commenced in June 1953, and was a diversion tunnel to carry the water while the embankment was being constructed.
Construction of the main embankment began in September. The reservoir was officially opened on 15 December 1954. Following good rain the reservoir filled rapidly, with the first water going over the spillway in August 1955. The natural environment began to draw visitors to the area for bird watching, fishing and picnicking and, in 1986, Bostock Reservoir was opened to the public.
In August 2019, Barwon Water sold a 54-hectare parcel of land to Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation after it was no longer required for operational purposes. The landholding includes a large area of native woodland and the house previously used as the caretaker's residence.
200 Shaws Road, Ballan 3342 Map
Web Links
→ Bostock Reservoir (FishingMad)
→ Bostock Reservoir and Ballan Mineral Spring Walk (Walking Maps)