Bacchus Marsh Obedience Dog Club

Bacchus Marsh Obedience Dog Club

Why join Bacchus Marsh Dog Obedience Club? When you first get your new pup, a decision you must make is whether you are going to train your dog in some manner. Many choose to train their pet at home in an often disorganized fashion, which can be successful, but usually leads to confused animals and unhappy owners.

Puppies want to learn and enjoy working with their owner as long as the training is fun and positive for them. At first training should be limited to five minutes or so a couple of times a day, but as the puppy grows this can be increased.

It is far more preferable to train your dog at an obedience club, where the owners are 'trained' at the same time as their pet. This means that owners use the same technique each time they give a command, leading to dogs which are not confused and obey much more readily.

Training is at Masons Lane Reserve, Bacchus Marsh.


113 Masons Lane,  Bacchus Marsh 3340 Map

(03) 5369 5178 / (03) 5367 4103

Email Enquiry

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Bacchus Marsh Obedience Dog Club on Facebook

Bacchus Marsh Obedience Dog Club113 Masons Lane,, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, 3340