Bacchus Marsh Art of Defence Australia (Darley)

Kids Karate - Goju Ryu Karate Do
Karate is a Japanese Martial Art. It translates from Japanese to mean 'empty hand', a weaponless form. We like to think that we're in the business of empowering people; increasing their levels of self-esteem, confidence and personal development.
It's all about fun and fitness. Girls and boys, men and women, can all reap the rewards by striving to form a strong body and tough spirit, yet conducting their lives in a gentle fashion that contributes in a positive way to family and society. Karate is great for all people from all walks of life at any age.
For the youth, it is important to offer fun, interesting and challenging after school curricular activities. A great hobby is always an asset. Isn't it important for young kids to grow up focused and feeling good about themselves? Karate helps improve confidence, and may ward off bullying tactics by others. You will see the difference in school reports, personal relationships, work ethics and in everyday lifestyle.
Students are encouraged to practise their basics and forms, thus developing a disciplined body, capable of reacting quickly in a self defence situation. We do not condone violence, and all classes are effectively constructed and taught in a caring, disciplined and supervised manner. Inherent in Karate training is a traditional emphasis on respect, discipline and defensive or evasive movements, rather than aggression.
Children are also cautioned that Karate practice is strictly for the Dojo (training centre), where rigid safety principles are observed. We achieve great results from our students by encouraging them in a positive manner. We teach and grade students on a contemporary basis. For those interested in tournaments, we are able to offer first hand knowledge, specialised training and technical assistance.
Art of Defence Weaponry
The type of weaponry we teach is derived from the Cheng Ming Internal Kung Fu Systems. Weapons used include two types of swords, short stick, long pole, spear and sabre. Everyone is invited to try and see if you are well suited to learning these special patterns utilising wooden weaponry.
Note: There are two locations in Bacchus Marsh
Monday: Bacchus Marsh Primary School Gym, 54 Lerderderg St (Map: 333 Ref: K6)
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday: Darley Primary School Gym, Nelson St
Tuition Fees
Nelson St, Darley 3340 Map
✆ 0407 320 333
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