Avoca - Bullock Team Sculpture

Step back in time to the late 1800's and the crack of the bullocky's whip could be heard as the bullock driver leads his team of bullocks along the streets of Avoca to the rail head. The wagon would be laden with wool, wheat, hay or other heavy loads that had to be transported to and from the remote pastoral stations.
Bullocky and his team, a laser cut sculpture of a bullock team is located on the median strip south of the Pyrenees and Sunraysia Highway crossroads.
The early bullock teams were an important part of Avoca's transportation history and are one of the reasons that our divided main street is so wide - the large teams of bullocks required extra space to turn around.
The sculpture is part of the Streetscape Plan for Avoca. Other historical and tourism elements include the wine barrels and grape vines, the cenotaph and war memorial precinct, as well as the Pyrenees Garden, Chinese Garden and Petanque area.
Cnr Creek Street and Sunraysia Highway, Avoca 3467 Map