Australian Plants Society Waverley (Mount Waverley)

Australian Plants Society is a group of plant lovers dedicated to the preservation and propagation of Australian plants in gardens and in the wild.
Members have access to a library, seed bank, study groups and plant sales. The group produces a bi-monthly newsletter with articles on Australian plants, particularly those suitable for local gardens, plus information on forthcoming meetings and events. Activities include monthly meetings with interesting guest speakers; information on plants suited to local gardens; and solutions to garden problems. There are regular visits and social outings to bushland areas and members' gardens.
Opening Hours:
Meets at 8pm on the third Thursday of the month (except December and January).
Based at Wadham House, Mount Waverley.
52 Wadham Parade, Mount Waverley 3149 Map
✆ (03) 9803 4502
Email Enquiry
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