Australian Plants Society Keilor Plains (Maribyrnong)

The Keilor Plains Group is a local bunch of native plant enthusiasts living on the Western Plains of Melbourne and its surrounding rural fringe.
We are dedicated to:
- Growing Australian Plants, both indigenous to our area and native flora from further afield.
- Conserving native plants in grasslands, the bush, along waterways, parks, other pockets of remnant flora, and re vegetation of weed infested land.
- Learning from each other, from age old wisdom to the latest research.
Opening Hours:
Meets 8pm on the first Friday of the month (except January).
Based at Main Hall, Raleigh Road Activity Centre (ex RSL Club) in Maribyrnong
54 Raleigh Road, Maribyrnong 3032 Map
✆ (03) 9336 3228
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Australian Plants Society, Keilor Plains on Facebook