Australian Orphanage Museum (Geelong)
The Australian Orphanage Museum is a unique museum dedicated to documenting and exhibiting authentic social histories about the experience of growing up in orphanages, children's Homes, Missions and other institutions, including foster care, in Australia. The diverse exhibits and narratives in the museum are presented in ways that respect the rights of Care Leavers to present their own forthright accounts in the way that they want them told. The museum is accessible to all - especially to Care Leavers and their families-but including people who need to know about past practices, such as policy makers, educators and young people.
The museum has hundreds of items on display including plaques, signs, badges, photos, crockery, personal diaries and personal material such as suitcases donated by care leavers.
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351 Ryrie Street, Geelong 3220 Map
✆ 0425 204 747
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