Arrabri Community House (Bayswater North)

Arrabri is a Koorie word meaning 'a meeting place at the base of a mountain". The Community House opened in 1983 when the then Croydon Library was relocated to Bayswater North.
Arrabri Community House is a non-profit organization, established to provide a focal point for community involvement, lifelong learning and social networking. The House offers a broad range of affordable, equitable and responsive services for all ages of the community. It exists to bring people together and to enhance the life experiences of community members in an accepting and welcoming environment.
Facilities at the House include: parkland, BBQ's, picnic shelters, public toilets, playground equipment, netball and tennis courts and a garden nursery. Occasional childcare, 3 year old activity group and family playgroups. The computer room has up to date equipment and offers a range of software programs. Computer courses meet with the Australian Qualifications framework.
Arrabri is sponsored by Maroondah City Council and receives funding from Adult, Community and Further Education Department of Planning and Community Development and the Department of Human Services. Fees are kept to a minimum to allow access to all sectors of the community.
Opening Hours:
Office Hours
77 Allambanan Drive, Bayswater North 3153 Map
✆ (03) 9294 7530
Email Enquiry
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