Ararat Railway Heritage Museum

Ararat Railway Heritage Museum

Train buffs will delight in this fascinating collection of railway history memorabilia and a working model train. The museum's display is a reminder of the important role the railway played in shaping the region.

The Museum contains two historically significant signal boxes.

Ararat Railway Heritage Museum

Opening Hours:

Open every Sunday of each month - 1.00pm - 4.00pm and every Friday - 1.30pm - 5.00pm.


Ararat Railway Heritage Association are a not for profit organisation with all members being volunteers. They request an optional donation of a gold coin for each adult person to enter to contribute to the ongoing maintenance of the Museum.


91 High Street,  Ararat 3377 Map

(03) 5352 2818

Email Enquiry

Ararat Railway Heritage Museum91 High Street,, Ararat, Victoria, 3377