Ararat - Greater Ararat Driving Tour

Park your car at the Railway Precinct and stroll towards the Railway Museum. Just past it on the left is the signal box and at the foot of the steps, note a piece of rusty equipment once vital to trains. It is a sand-drying box.
Greater Ararat Driving Tour Map

1. Railway Station Precinct
a. The Sand Dryer
This sand dryer was originally located in the Ararat Locomotive Depot. A fire was lit to dry the sand it contained. The dried sand was collected and placed in the sand box on board for train brakes to function efficiently. When the brakes were required a lever on board the train allowed dry sand to be delivered in front of the driving wheels. The dry sand caused friction and minimised wheel slippage in wet conditions and on steep grades.
b. Ararat Railway Station
Ararat Railway Station opened in 1875 to link Melbourne to the agricultural/ commerce centre of Ararat. Later it became a part of the Melbourne-Adelaide line. A branch line to Portland in 1877 and another to Avoca-Maryborough in 1890 made Ararat the key junction of an interstate and port-hinterland system. It was also the control-ling point for the Maroona-Geelong line, established in 1913. At the height of the steam era up to 88 locomotives were at the Ararat Depot and by the 1950s the railways employed around 600 people.
Return to your car and drive along the laneway nearest the tracks. On your left is Commerical House and on the right the Railway yards.
c. Commercial House (situated on Birdwood Avenue)
Built for Mr. Walter Augustus Claringbold in 1905, "Claringbold's Commercial House" represented the latest in boarding houses and was designed by local architect James Irwin. Mr. Claringbold had earlier managed the Railway Refreshment Rooms and in 1900 had built a commodious Coffee Palace. 1922 saw the building leased by David McAdie, a member of one of Ararat's pioneering families, who also ran it as a boarding house until after the Second World War. It continues to operate as a boarding house today.
d. Railway Yards
The depot was constructed to maintain large numbers of rolling stock when the Ararat yards were the busiest in rural Victoria. In 1928 an electronically operated turntable was built in Alfred St. which was the first and the longest in Victoria. An engine shed built at the same time was originally a 24 road round house with a 15 tonne crane and 3 work pits. The turntable itself still exists, but most of the shed has been demolished and engine pits filled in.
Straight ahead is the Terminus Hotel. Turn left, then right into High Street.
e. Terminus Hotel
The original building was erected in 1877, and then rebuilt in 1911 by Alexander McDonald, who ran it until the early years of the Second World War. As Ararat was a key centre for Victoria's interstate and port-hinterland rail system, with large numbers of shunting engines moving back and forwards 24 hours a day, the Terminus bar became the bar that never closed, and was a favourite meeting place of many railway workers. The Terminus is currently a private residence housing an art gallery & art supplies store.
On the right is the Lyceum Theatre site and the Common School.
2. Common School and Lyceum Theatre
Ararat's first permanent school building in Collegiate Gothic style, the Common School served the public from 1867 until 1875. It later became public baths and in 1952 the building was leased to the YMCA as club rooms. The indoor heated swimming pool was originally the site of a Protestant Hall and later became the Lyceum Theatre. In 1913 a fire broke out, but the building was not destroyed. I ',Oct still, it became Ararat General Electric's store which was totally (pitted iii1980 by one of Ararat's most memorable fires.
On your left Is the site of Ararat's power generating system, now the Senior Citizens Clubrooms.
3. Power Generation Station
Gaslight was used in Ararat from 1887 to 14th June 1913, when electricity from the Power Generating System was switched on. The site is now the Senior Citizens Club. It was centrally located in order to reduce power loss and long cable runs. When running costs and fuel became too expensive the supply was bought out by the State Electricity Commission (SEC) in 1969. There were 8 Ruston Hornsby Diesel Engines providing power to the turbines, one of which is displayed at the Langi Morgala Museum.
Continue to the lights and turn right. Drive straight ahead to the Alexandra Gardens.
4. Alexandra Gardens
In 1859 land was allocated for botanical gardens and early plants were supplied by Baron Ferdinand Von Meuller of the Melbourne Botanical Gardens. Work was undertaken by prisoners of Ararat Goal; however the bulk of development work began in 1901 with Hugh Linaker as curator. In 1907 the Ararat Traders' Association raised sufficient funds to pay for wrought iron gates at the entrance (later removed). Mayor R Hargreaves officially opened the botanical gardens named in honour of Princess Alexandra. A walk through the garden will reveal a fountain presented by William McCulloch a well known pioneer of the district. A rockery and drinking fountain was erected by the Rechabites, along with the fernery and adjacent native garden, the Orchid house and many of the original planting trees.
After the gardens, continue to the T-junction with Girdlestone Street and turn left to see J Ward.
5. J Ward
Completed in 1861, this infamous bluestone building was originally a goldfields prison. In 1886 the buildings became a temporary housing for the Criminally Insane. They then became a ward of the Ararat Lunatic Asylum where the most dangerous men in Victoria were housed. The Ward was closed in 1991 and is now one of Ararat's major tourist attractions. Information regarding tours can be obtained from the Visitor Information Centre.
Return along Girdlestone Street until you reach a T-junction. On your left is Pyrenees House and on your right is the home of Donald Chisholm.
6. Pyrenees House

Completed in 1886 as a general hospital to replace its 1860 predecessor. The architect, A G Legge, was directed to erect a Queen Anne style structure fashionable in the 1880s. It operated until 1937 when it was converted to a nurses' home. From 1953-1986 it became John Pickford House, Geriatric Centre. Since 1988 it has been used as administration offices and with recent refurbishment in 2011 continues to operate as a Conference Centre and Nurse Education Centre.
7. Donald Chisholm Residence
Designed by Michael Ryan and built in 1902 for the successful local draper, Mr. Donald Chisholm, this was for several decades the Chisholm's family home. It represents the move by shopkeepers from living above their businesses to living in suburban residences early in the 20th century. At the beginning of the Second World War it was let to Robert Shea, a local farmer, who then purchased it in 1947. His purchase illustrated another trend, that of successful farming families retiring into Ararat.
Turn left at the T-junction into Campbell Street. Drive 1.4km to the cemetery.
8. Ararat Cemetery

This cemetery was set up in 1861 with its first burial on 16th January 1863. The original cemetery (closed in 1865) is situated in Lowe Street, behind the hospital. The robing room at the entrance was designed by James Irwin and built by Mr. A. Bean and handed to the trustees on 19th May 1930. A short drive around the cemetery will reveal Chinese headstones and the graves of many of our pioneer settlers.
Return along Campbell Street, turning left at Baird Street. When you reach the roundabout, take the second exit and go under the railway overpass. Turn right into High Street, then take the next street left. On the corner is Donisthorpe.
9. Donisthorpe
English-born James Donisthorpe Smith, engineer, came to Ararat and set up a store in Barkly Street, which he later sold to George Grano. He built Donisthorpe in 1872 as a wine and spirits store to attract the custom of railwaymen and asylum workers as they made their way home but he was unable to obtain the beer licence he wanted. The corner door you see led to the bar area. It was de-licensed when he died. It has only had five owners in 131 years.
Proceed to the next corner and turn left. Drive to the roundabout, then follow the Western Highway towards Melbourne, noting on your left Aradale.
10. Aradale Mental Hospital
Aradale was constructed between 1864 and 1867 as the Ararat Lunatic Asylum. It had its own market gardens, orchard, vineyards and piggery. At its height it employed over 500 staff. Today the complex has 63 buildings, including a forensic unit built two years before the facility closed in 1993. Despite being closed, the facility housed female prisoners until 2001 when it became a campus of the North Melbourne Institute of TAFE (NMIT). Information about tours can be obtained at the Visitor Information Centre.
Past this view of Aradale is a left turn entrance to Green Hill Lake.
11. Green Hill Lake
Green Hill Lake was originally called the Warrayatkin swamp. Many attempts were made to develop this area into a recreational reserve. In the 1880s work began to deepen it and with the help of prisoners from the local gaol, volunteers and the Municipal Council, the embankment was erected and the lake deepened. On 22nd March 1987, a plaque to commemorate the upgrade was unveiled by Prime Minister R. J. Hawke. 3000 people attended the occasion. Today the lake is used for boating, swimming and camping.
Return to Ararat, taking the left turn at the roundabout into Barkly Street. Follow the road, turning left into King Street next to the Catholic Church. Take the first turn right to pass the first State Primary School.
12. 800 State School
This attractive building marked the arrival of free, compulsory and secular education in 1872. The foundation stone was laid with great festivities on 6th April 1875, the day the railway also came to Ararat. Built from polychrome brick, popular for school buildings at that time, it was opened on 1st November 1875. Additions and alterations have been made over the years, notably larger windows in the early part of the 20th century. A central tower was removed in 1915 when wooden offices were added to the facade.
On the next corner note the elegant Radley Residence. Drive on, crossing King Street, Vincent Street into Banksia Street.
13. Radley Residence
Built in 1916 by William Radley, a plasterer and contractor, this house may be one of architect Michael Ryan's designs. It is unusual, being symmetrical about a diagonal axis. The entrance is on a corner under a heavily ornamented portico. The bay windows are richly decorated with broken pediments in the Mannerist style. The decorations distinguish the house from other Federation houses and may reflect the relationship between the owner and architect.
Continue along Vincent Street into Banksia Street. At the T-junction, turn right. Cross Barkly Street and continue, noting on your right the Anglican Church.
14. Holy Trinity Church
The Church is of local historical significance. It is a great example of the work of church architect Leonard Terry [1825-1884]. Its English Anglican Gothic style, simple forms and use of blue stone was typical of Terry's church work. It could not be consecrated until it was free of debt in 1882.The church was gutted by fire in 1940. The diocesan architect, Louis Williams was responsible for the new design. The condition of the building is excellent. The Rectory at 49 High Street is worthy of an inspection.
Continue turning left at the junction with Lambert Street (Western Highway). Note on your left Mount Romnya House. Continue a short distance to Gum San Museum.
15. Mount Romnya
This very impressive home was built in 1893 by local builder Daniel Beer. He lived in it briefly but for many years it had a succession of middle-class tenants. The house was eventually sold to Dr de Crespigny for use as a private hospital which functioned for many years. II is supported by a terraced garden which includes several mature palms, a popular choice at that time. Architecturally it is early use of the Federation/Queen Anne style. It remains in good condition and is now used as a private dwelling.
16. Gum San (Canton Lead)
The world-class Gum San Chinese Heritage Centre tells the story of the arduous journey made from Southern China to the Victorian goldfields during the 1850's. As they made their great trek on foot from Robe in South Australia to Bendigo, these men discovered one of the world's richest shallow alluvial goldfields at the Canton Lead, Ararat. Designed in the traditional Southern Chinese style and incorporating the principles of Feng Shui, the dramatic two-storey building with its authentic Chinese tiled roof houses a fascinating seieCtion of interactive audio-visuals and static displays.
Continue along the Highway, turning left at Golf Links Road to access the One Tree Hill Lookout. Pass Chalambar Golf Course on the right and turn right at the T-junction. Follow the sealed road up the hill.
17. One Tree Hill
This is named for a tree which stood on the crest of the range forming Ararat's western boundary, also marking the boundary of three properties, Burrumbeep, Allanvale and Lexington. It offers unparalleled views over the surrounding landscape. The first interstate television signal between Melbourne and Adelaide passed through here in December 1962. Signals now transmit television and telephone data between Queensland and Perth. The monument on the hill was erected by the Rotary Club of Ararat in memory of the pioneers of the district. A popular car rally is conducted here.
Birdwood Avenue, Ararat 3377 Map