Ambrose Archery (Heidelberg Heights)

Ambrose Archery (Heidelberg Heights)

Ambrose Archery in Heidelberg Heights is a 12 lane, 18m, indoor Archery Centre where you can learn, try, practice or buy.

The Centre is open to anyone who is interested in trying the sport for the first time, those wanting a place to practice or if you come along on a Tuesday night a place to compete. Don't worry if you have never done archery before, we will get you going and will be always there to help. It's no problem at all if you don't have any equipment because we do and you are free to borrow it.

Birthday parties - For when you want something a little different and definitely memorable.

At the Ambrose Archery training course, Archers will be taken from the basics to the point where they are competitive in competition.

Participants also have the chance to experience a range of styles; starting off with barebow then progressing on to the Olympic style and finally the modern compound bow.

At the end of each term the Ambrose Archery centre puts on a competition to give the new archers a feel for the sport. Here the Archers will have their targets set to the distance that they have achieved over the term so every one has a chance to win, and there is cake and medals to be had.

The term fee includes free access to the centre Monday to Friday as well as Heidelberg Archers club meets; Sundays 10am to 12pm and Mondays 7pm to 9pm.

Practice makes perfect so I strongly encourage the Archers to make use of this chance to practice during the week. Progress will be greatly improved if an extra visit or two is made during the week.

Heidelberg Archers is a club that is affiliated with Archery Australia and Archery Victoria. It offers a chance to experience competition in a relaxed atmosphere. There is also no need to feel that you are not good enough as the targets are positioned so that everyone will shoot at a distance that is comfortable.


25 Orr Street,  Heidelberg Heights 3081 Map

(03) 9457 6024

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Ambrose Archery (Heidelberg Heights)25 Orr Street,, Heidelberg Heights, Victoria, 3081