Amaroo Neighbourhood Centre (Chadstone)

The centre provides a welcoming place for people to meet, develop their skill, share experiences, gain support from each other, a place to get a bargain in the op-shop, some advice or just "a cuppa" and a chat, a place to learn new skills to band together with other members of the community to find solutions to the problems which affect our community at large. The centre is located in a low-income public housing estate.
We provide a large range of programs, classes, activities, parenting support groups, Occasional Child Care etc. We involve people in the community in all aspects of the centre. We run our programs mindful of the fact that we operate in a low income area and so must charge minimal fees. We run programs that are both educational and recreational as well as health related programs. The centre and its activities are open to all members of the community with no exceptions.
Opportunity shop items such as clothes, shoes, books, household goods, jewellery and Manchester can be left in the bins at the site. Please do not leave mattresses, computers, electrical items, rubbish or broken furniture.
The outside walls of the building are covered by an extensive range of ceramic murals.
34 Amaroo Street, Chadstone 3148 Map
✆ (03) 9807 2625
Email Enquiry
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→ Amaroo Neighbourhood Centre Inc. on Facebook