Alvie - Red Rock Scenic Lookouts

The scenic lookouts are atop one of Victoria's youngest volcanoes. There are two lookouts.
Eastern Lookout (named Memorial Dial on the sign post) - To the North East are Beeac township and Lake Beeac. The milky white appearance of Lake Beeac is due to hyper salinity. Red-necked Avocet and Banded Stilt (birds) feed on the large numbers of brine shrimp which live in the lake. Colac city and Lake Colac lie to the South East. Lake Colac is the largest freshwater lake in Victoria, with a surface area of 2,700 hectares, circumference of 33km and average depth of 2.5 metres. Directly below is situated the historic bluestone homestead, Coragulac House. Otway Ranges are in the distance sweeping to the south.
Western Lookout, View Platform & Stairway (named Red Rock on the sign post) - In the distance view Mount Elephant (so called because of its shape) near the township of Derrinallum. Lake Corangamite is the largest permanent salt water lake in Australia (three times saltier than the sea) with a surface area of 25,160 hectares. Tongues of lava extend out into the lake, and these rocky outcrops and beaches of tiny Coxiella shells form the shoreline. One of Victoria's most important bird habitats, the lake is home for approximately 75 species. It is one of the few breeding grounds for Pelicans.
Directions: Red Rock Scenic Reserve lies 17 km north west of Colac. From Colac, follow the A1 west for 5km and turn right at the Alvie Red Rock sign. Proceed through the settlements of Cororooke and Coragulac. On the road from Coragulac to Alvie there is a turnoff to the left (after Finns Road) called Red Rock Reserve Road (which may not be named on maps). Take this road to get scenic lookouts.
The Red Rock Volcanic Complex is the site of countless volcanic blasts. Around 40 separate eruption points have been identified which have taken place over tens of thousands of years. There are impressive views of overlapping hills, craters and lakes from the two lookout points. The Western lookout has stairs with 63 steps leading up to a higher vantage point but you can still get excellent views from the car park level. You get to see Lake Corangamite which is Victoria's largest inland salt lake and Lake Colac which should be familiar if you have come from Colac.
On the road to the lookouts you will pass a playground on the left which has toilets, BBQ and picnic tables in a shelter.
Red Rock Reserve Road, Alvie 3249 Map
Web Links
→ Red Rock Volcanic Reserve Drive (PDF)