Alexandra - Binns McCreas Walk

The 6 km easy loop walk meets the Goulburn River west of Alexandra on the Binns McCraes Road and follows it as it meanders through the countryside. Then you walk back along Swann Road and up onto the old cutting and down into town.
Walk Directions
Travel to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) office at 5 Binns Mccraes Road. Walk west along Binns McCraes Road. Follow this around until you meet up with Swann Road on your right. Follow this back to the Maroondah Highway and cross over to the other side. Walk up the Old Cutting trail and back down the town side, to Rotary Park. From here walk back to the DELWP office to complete the circuit.
Map of Walk Route

5 Binns Mccraes Road, Alexandra 3714 Map