27 Aeroplane Activities for Families and Kids in Melbourne

Do you love aviation or is someone in the family a fan of aeroplanes? For Melbourne families and kids there are plenty of ways to experience the magic of flight and aeroplanes with activities ranging from aeroplane themed playgrounds, aviation museums, observing heritage aircraft in flight, a B24 Liberator Bomber being restored, come to a model aircraft meeting, ride a plane themed thrill ride, join plane spotters at Tullamarine airport or take a scenic flight. Check out our top 27 aviation experiences here (click on the blue link for more information):
Aeroplane Activities - Melbourne West
1. The RAAF Museum, Williams Road, Point Cook (03) 9256 1040

An awesome museum where you can see air missiles, a mirage jet and a wide range of planes. Best of all, every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 1pm, you can see a heritage aircraft in flight and learn about the process in close-up detail. Visitors can see, hear and smell what flying is all about. Best of all, it is absolutely free!
Prices: Free admission though donations are gratefully accepted.
2. Ashcroft Park Playground, Mandrel Drive, Williams Landing

'Control Tower' playground has an airfield theme throughout with an aircraft landing strip leading to a tall control tower. The playground is inspired by the RAAF base which is nearby. Look out for some beautifully crafted concrete seats in the form of suitcases (next to the lost luggage counter).
3. Braybrook Park Aeroplane Playground, 107 Churchill Avenue, Braybrook

The rope frame aeroplane thunders down the runway overlooked by a tall control tower stationed at the end of the runway. The fuselage of the plane is divided into two sections, with different heights which cater for the differing ages of budding pilots and there are swings hanging from the wings. Aviators of all ages will find fun equipment here.
4. Aeroplane Park Playground, Stanhope Road, Tarneit

This plane is fantastic. If it wasn't for a small oil leak I noticed in the engine I'm sure it could take off to London or other far-flung places. Until the mechanics arrive, you will have to be content with a short flight around Tarneit. Plenty of fun, especially for younger kids.
5. B24 Liberator Bomber, Cnr Princes Hwy & Farm Rd, Werribee (03) 9731 1263

This is the only remaining Liberator in the southern hemisphere, and is one of only eight still in existence in the world. Restoration is proceeding in one of the World War II hangars on the old Werribee airfield and it is intended that the airframe will be completely restored. Come along and check out the progress.
Hours: Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday 9:30am - 3:30pm
Prices: $5 donation per person with no charge for visitors under 16 years. Attendance at an engine run, when conducted, is an extra $5.
6. Melton Model Aircraft Association, Mt Cottrell

A club composed of a group of radio control enthusiasts who love to build and fly radio controlled model aircraft. The models are many and varied, from small park flyers to big large Imac and 3D planes with wingspans of up to 3 meters. They fly at the Mt Cottrell Recreation Reserve and welcome visitors.
7. Heartlands Boulevard Playground, Tarneit

A cute and colourful aeroplane is an exciting addition to this playground for the youngest of aviators.
8. Mulloway Drive Playground, Point Cook

A lovely aeroplane shaped climbing frame with a tunnel slide to exit via the rear. Obviously judging by the name "airline" on the tail of the plane, Qantas decided not to sponsor the playground. Boo hiss Qantas!
9. Australian Gliding Museum, Bacchus Marsh Aerodrome, Cummings Road, Parwan 0428 450 475

The museum exists to preserve Australia's gliding history, to retain the glider design and construction skills and stimulate interest and participation in the "Adventure of Flight".
The Museum has collected gliders from around Australia, many of which were facing neglect or destruction. The Museum's collection includes over 50 historic gliders and other gliding archival material, including books, manuals, photographs, films, glider launching winches, aircraft plans, trophies and other memorabilia.
Hours: By appointment
Prices: Free, donations accepted
Aeroplane Activities - Melbourne South East
10. St Kilda Adventure Playground, Neptune Street, St Kilda

Chock full of quirky and fun play areas including a big aeroplane. This play items in this playground change quite regularly and hopefully the aeroplane hasn't been grounded with a defect before you visit. The playground is staffed and is primarily aimed at local children who may be disadvantaged by not having access to a backyard. Visitors need to be aware that the playground is not open to the public all the time. Maybe give the airport a call before travelling a long distance to play here.
11. Red Baron at Luna Park, The Esplanade, St Kilda
Younger children can get a feel for flying by boarding the cartoon style Red Baron aeroplanes that soar through the air.
Prices: The ride price is based on age. Teen & adult unlimited ride ticket (13+ yrs): $51.50, child unlimited ride ticket (4-12 yrs): $41.50, toddler unlimited ride ticket (0-3 yrs): $18.00, family & friends funpass - 2 Adults 13+ & 2 Kids 0-12: $155, entry only (including single ride): $15
Notes: You need to be 120 cm tall to ride.
12. Australian National Aviation Museum, 12 First Street, Moorabbin Airport (03) 9580 7752
The Australian National Aviation Museum which is located within Moorabbin Airport, is owned and operated by a community based, non-profit organisation. The Museum's objective is to tell the story of both the people and machines that made Australia's rich aviation heritage. There are restored planes both outside and inside the hangers and kids are able to climb into the cockpit of some of planes. The museum can host birthday parties.
For real enthusiasts, you can become a member and work on aircraft, restorations, maintenance or even running the front shop and providing tours. New volunteers or members are always welcome and no experience is necessary as many levels of training for the various aspects of the Museum are provided.
Prices: Adult: $10, child (children under 5 free): $5, family (two adults & two children): $20
13. 3rd Chelsea Air Scout Group, 5-7 Showers Avenue, Chelsea
3rd Chelsea Air Scout Group is the only remaining Air Scout Group in Victoria and one of three in Australia. They do all the things and activities that all scout groups do, but focus their activities toward all things aviation and air.Aeroplane Activities - Melbourne North
14. Sunbury Road Aircraft Viewing Area,Cnr Sunbury Road and Oaklands Road, Melbourne Airport

From a parking area to the north of the airport watch the planes as they fly over head and onto the runway. There are planes frequently taking off and landing above you. This is a very popular spot for plane spotters and you will meet other people with a similar interest. It is so popular that there are often food vans on site.
To get there go past Melbourne Tullamarine airport and head towards Sunbury on Sunbury Road. Turn right at the first roundabout into Oaklands Road then immediately left into a car park area.
15. Operations Road Aircraft Viewing Area, 94 Operations Road, Melbourne Airport
A view point on the western side of the airport where you can see planes landing and taking off.
16. T2 International Terminal Playground, Retail and Dining Precinct, Melbourne Airport

A simple playground is located in the retail and dining precinct in the T2 International Terminal. There is a rope climbing structure and a line of sculptural connected cubes. A place to while away some time while waiting for an international flight.
17. Trans-Australia Airlines Museum, 7 York Street, Airport West (03) 9280 8113

The museum is the only aviation museum dedicated to the preservation of Australia's domestic aviation development. the collection primarily focusses on TAA and Australian Airlines.
Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10am-2.00pm
Prices: General admission $5, seniors/groups (6+): $3
18. Airways Museum, Cnr Lionel Street and Wirraway Road, Essendon Fields

The Airways Museum is an aviation museum, but with one difference - there are no aircraft! Instead, the Museum houses a collection of national importance that traces the development of Australia's civil aviation airways system through innovation and technical development from it's beginnings in the 1920s to today. The story is told through artefacts and photographs, and illustrates how Australia has often played a leading role internationally in aviation development.
Hours: Tuesdays 9am-3pm and at other times by appointment.
Prices: Gold coin donation for individuals.
Aeroplane Activities - Melbourne North East
19. Boroondara Park Playground, Canterbury Road, Canterbury

A lovely fenced playground which has a bi-plane flying high up on the play structure. Budding pilots can enter the cockpit of the plane.
20. Seat with Bronze Aeroplane Sculpture, Tamar Reserve playground, 12 Tamar Street, Bayswater

Any aviation enthusiast is going to enjoy a picnic sitting on a seat with an aeroplane sculpture. Splinters are provided free of charge.
21. Australian Air League (Multiple Locations)
The Australian Air League is a national youth organisation for boys and girls aged 8 years and older. It's aims are to promote and encourage the development of aviation in the youth of Australia, to promote good citizenship, teamwork and to develop the ingenuity and resourcefulness of it's members.In Victoria there are Australian Air League squadrons in Ballarat, Bendigo, Berwick, Cranbourne, Doncaster, Moorabbin, Niddrie, Point Cook, Rowville, Waverley and Yarra Ranges.
Aeroplane Activities - Regional Victoria
22. Sir Reginald Ansett Transport Museum, Riley Street, Hamilton (03) 5571 2767

The museum is based on the Ansett company's first aircraft hangar. Centrepieces of the display are a Fokker Universal aircraft, similar to the one used on the first Ansett flight in 1936, and the 1928 Studebaker. the memorabilia on display conveys the company's rapid growth from a single vehicle road service to an international airline.
Prices: Adults: $10, children/pensioners: $8, families: $20
23. Benalla Aviation Museum, Samaria Road, Benalla

The museum is bringing to life one of the important histories surrounding the training of RAAF Pilots during the World War II conflict, stationed at the Benalla Airfield and operated as 11 EFTS Squadron. Displays include a Tiger Moth and a Vampire jet.
Hours: Wednesdays and Sundays from 9am to 3pm
24. Apollo Bay Aviation, Apollo Bay (03) 5237 7600

For a special treat take a scenic flight over the south west coastline covering areas such as Apollo Bay, Twelve Apostles, Otway Lightstation, Great Ocean Road and Bay of Islands.
Prices: Vary from $70 pp for a 10 minute Apollo Bay flight to $410 pp for a 70 minute flight to the Twelve Apostles and Bay of Islands.
25. Highett Street Playground, Mansfield

A fully fenced playground with lots of shade from trees which has a cute aeroplane to fly.
26. Aeroplane on Mens Shed Roof, 4 Lyons Street, Newstead

Pirates can play on a wooden playground ship under sail (shade sails that is) and check out the plane overlooking the playground.
27. Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre, Aerodrome Road, Nhill 0428 911 387 /0490 657 770

The Centre provides an insight into life on a World War II air base through informative displays and memorabilia. An Avro Anson aircraft is also being restored.
Hours: Open 10am to 4pm weekends and public holidays, or by prior arrangement.
Prices: Adults: $10, concession: $8, Children, students & NAHC members: free
Web Links
→ Helicopter Activities for Families and Kids in Melbourne
→ Aviation Museum National Network Trail (PDF)