Adelaide Lead - Trompf's Battery Site

Trompf's Amalgamated mine operated here from the late 19th century. The site has the remains of a loading ramp for a stamp battery, open cut workings and a large (but dry) dam ad tailings pond. It is located in the Paddys Ranges State Park.
Location - Paddy Ranges Track leads to the south from the Pyrenees Highway towards Karri Dam. The battery site is about 450m north of Karri Dam, a short distance to the east of the track. The distance from the Highway to the dam is about 2.3km.
Be on the lookout for a sign along Paddys Ranges Track which says "Trompf's Amalgamated O. M. Co.". This is the site of the Trompf's Mine. The battery site is another 400m south.
Paddy Ranges Track, Adelaide Lead 3465 Map